Page 37 - Micronesia
P. 37

— Micronesia — Micronesia —


             This is the largest island in the   on the tidal flats of the eastern part of   Pohnpeian is the native language,
             Eastern Caroline Group and the   Pohnpei.                         however, both English and Pohnpeian
             capital of the FSM.             There are approximately 100 artificial   are used in business.
                                             islets constructed of basalt logs of   Archaeologists and engineers are
           It fits the typical South Sea island
           image with lush vegetation, abundant   various sizes up to 70 tons each,   attempting to discover more about the
           rainfall and tumbling waterfalls.   making Nan Madol the largest and one   race which constructed the island city
           Unlike other Micronesian islands it   of the most mysterious archaeological   of Nan Madol. The stone fortress was
           has tropical jungles, mist-covered   sites in the Pacific.          built on a reef south-east of Temwen
           mountains, one of the healthiest   The first European to visit the island   Island by the rulers of Pohnpei around
           mangrove swamps and exotic        group was Spaniard Diego de Rocha   500 AD until it was taken over by
           flora in the Pacific. Situated in   in 1526. The islands were originally   Isokelekel, the warrior who installed
           the northwestern Pacific, it is 880   called the New Philippines until   the present traditional system in the
           metres high, 21 kilometres wide and   1696 when they were renamed the   1520s.
           shaped somewhat like a circular tent.   Caroline Islands. Occupied by Spain,   Nan Madol is reached by boat from
           Also known as the garden island of   Germany, Japan and the USA, Pohnpei   the main town of Kolonia about
           Micronesia, its boldest landmarks are   experienced 100 years of foreign   45 minutes away. It’s a full day boat
           Sokehs Rock and Nan Madol.  Nan   rule because it proved to be an ideal   tour which includes a visit to the
           Madol is an ancient stone city built   supply stop for the Pacific expeditions.   spectacular Keprohi Waterfall and

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