Page 44 - Micronesia
P. 44

                                                 — Micronesia — Micronesia —


             Marshall Islands, also known    More mapping was done by Russians   Association. From 1948 to 1958, the US
             as Majol is an island nation in   in the early 1800s. U.S. and Hawaiian   conducted nuclear tests on Bikini and
             the Central Pacific Ocean. There   missionaries began efforts to convert   Enewetak Atolls. The USA continues to
             are more than 1200 islands and   the islanders in the mid 1800s, and   be the protector of The Marshalls, and
             islets in two parallel chains of   even Germany had influence in the   maintains a missile range and base on
             coral atolls.                   islands in the late 1880s. Japan seized   the island of Kwajalein.
                                             the islands in 1914, and remained
           Marshall Islands were settled around   until the United States liberated the   To get to the Marshall Islands, there
           the beginning of the Christian era,   Marshalls during WWII. From 1947   are two major airlines flying in daily,
           some 2000 years ago by Micronesians.   to 1986, the islands remained under   United Airlines and Nauru Airlines. Air
           The islands were later sighted by a   the jurisdiction of the United States.   Marshalls fly routes between the Atolls
           Spanish navigator in 1529. British   Then it became the Republic of the   in small commuter propeller planes.
           naval captains explored the Marshall   Marshall Islands, and remains friends   The only two islands that have an
           Islands in 1788 and did some mapping.   of the USA with a Compact of Free   international airport are Majuro and

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