Page 120 - Pacific Paradises 2019
P. 120

— Micronesia — Micronesia —


             The State of Kosrae is one of   lineage and clans with a feudal   Traditional foods on the island include
             four states in the Federated    structure of nobles who controlled the   breadfruit, coconut, banana, taro,
             States of Micronesia and, as    land that was worked by commoners.   yam and sugarcane. Woodcarving,
             well as the island of Kosrae,   The settlements consisted of small   traditional canoe and cottage
             consists of several islands and   groups of relatives who shared a single   construction, fishing, farming and
             islets, the most significant being   cookhouse, usually with at least one   fine weaving using hibiscus, pandanus
             Lelu Island.                    earth oven.                       and coconut palms continue to be an
                                                                               integral way of life on the island.
                                             The first missionary post was
           Roughly triangular in shape, Kosrae   established in 1852 after American   The weather in Kosrae is warm and
           covers an area of approximately 110   missionaries felt the need to protect   humid throughout the year with an
           square kilometres.
                                             the people of Kosrae from the large   average temperature of 25 C and rarely
           The most eastern of the Caroline   numbers of whalers and beachcombers   exceeding 32 C. It has two distinct
           Islands, Kosrae has a population of   who had made the island, which they   seasons, dry and rainy and during the
           approximately 7000 people and is   considered a paradise, their home.   rainy season, November to April, be
           located north of the equator between                                prepared for showers everyday.
           Guam and the islands of Hawaii. The   Even today religion plays an integral
           coral reefs that surround the island are   role in the culture of Kosrae. Sunday is   Casual and summer clothing is
           kept in a pristine condition through   considered a day of rest and most stores   worn throughout the year although
           an extensive mooring buoy system   and shops are closed on that day.  swimsuits and shorts are not acceptable
           and the area is becoming a favourite   In 1874, the pirate Bully Hayes was   in the villages. Be respectful—cover
           destination for scuba divers from all   shipwrecked on Kosrae when his ship,   your shoulders and knees, and don’t
           around the world. The island’s interior   the Leonara, was stuck in Lelu harbour   forget a hat, sunglasses and sunscreen.
           is covered with deep vegetation and   during a storm. During his stay of   Kosrae is a wonderful gem, yet to be
           steep mountains that keep it largely   several months on the island, Nully   discovered by most modern travellers.
           undeveloped. European contact with   terrorised the local people. He was   A visit guarantees the experience of a
           Kosrae in 1824 reported a highly   finally arrested by Captain Dupuis   lifetime—from the unhurried, friendly
           stratified society that was typical of the   aboard the HMS Rosario but managed   lifestyle and warm, island hospitality
           surrounding islands at that time. Its   to escape on a boat built of timber from   that are as unforgettable as the magical
           cultural features included matrilineal   the wrecked Leonara.       Micronesian sunsets.

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