Page 132 - Pacific Paradises 2019
P. 132

— Papua New Guinea —

           languages are spoken throughout PNG.   762 different species, 85 endemic,   Variarata National Park, a spectacular
                                             including 38 of the world’s 48 species   mountain region renowned for its
           Melanesian Pidgin (Tok Pisin) and   of the spectacular Bird of Paradise. The   striking scenery and panoramic views
           Police Motu are the two most widely   world’s only known poisonous bird   of Port Moresby and the coastline. In
           used, but English is the official    called Hooded Pito-Hui is found in   the Oro province, Mt Lamington, an
           language in education, business and   Papua New Guinea.             active volcano, is a favourite climb for
           government circles.
                                             Activities                        visiting bushwalkers. Scuba diving has
           Nature                                                              become one of PNG’s most sought-after
           Papua New Guinea’s enormously     The most popular activities in Papua   attractions and there are facilities, both
           rich diversity of animal and plant life   New Guinea are trekking, canoeing,   land based and live-aboard, all around
           has earned the esteemed designation   bird watching, fishing, surfing and   the country. Fishing charters, bird
           of being a ‘mega diversity’ country.   diving, all of which get travellers   watching walks and whitewater rafting
           Scientists believe that PNG, along with   ‘up close and personal’ with nature   tours are also available.
           the 16 other countries bearing this   and the people, the essence of PNG’s
           unique distinction, account for more   special attraction. Throughout the   Surfing is also growing in popularity.
           than two-thirds of the earth’s total   country there are tours organised   PNG is a relatively new surfing
           biodiversity. The fact that so many of   for all ages, skill levels and budgets.   destination on the international
           PNG’s natural ecosystems and human   You can canoe down the Sepik and   surfing scene that guarantees clean
           cultures are intact makes it fascinating   sleep in local villages, or visit exotic   and uncrowded beaches, point breaks
           and scientifically important. On land it   cultures during the day and at night   and challenging waves for all levels of
           is estimated that there are 242 species   sleep on a luxury cruise ship, or an   surfers.
           of mammals including shy forest   eco lodge in a tributary.         Getting around
           wallabies, slow-moving cuscuses and   Port Moresby is home to several popular   Rugged mountainous terrain covers
           tree kangaroos. Birds are one of PNG’s   trekking spots, the infamous Kokoda   much of the country, so the easiest
           biggest natural attractions. There are    trail, a favourite with war historians, and   and fastest way to get around Papua

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