Page 46 - Pacific Paradises 2019
P. 46

— Fiji —

                                    GRAND PACIFIC HOTEL

             The pride of Suva, the Grand    classical façade and an impressive arched   Na Toba pool bar is popular for its stunning
             Pacific Hotel has been setting   entry portico which opens into the huge   sunset harbour views, Levuka restaurant
             benchmark standards of service,   vaulted lobby.                  offers a range of local and international
             comfort and first-class facilities   Complementing the original heritage   cuisines for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
             ever since opening in 1914.     building, guestrooms in the new wing are   Prince Albert offers a menu drawing on the
                                             designed to optimise views of the harbour   foods and flavours of the region.
           Hosting a who’s who of royalty, world   and all have balconies. The furnishings,   Steamship Bar opens late every night
           leaders and celebrities for over a century,   fittings and amenities are all that you   whilst the Victoria Lounge serves a
           the hotel was rebuilt in 2014, and is the   would expect from a five-star hotel and   complimentary breakfast and sundowner
           only hotel in Suva to offer a five-star   all guestrooms have been designed and   cocktails for guests staying in the heritage
           experience, blending fascinating colonial   decorated in a contemporary style to   building. The GPH Bakery offers a
           architecture and history with magnificent   maximise both views and guest comfort.   mouth-watering array of fresh breads,
           Fijian hospitality and friendliness.
                                             All rooms feature the famed Pure Fiji   pastries, sumptuous cakes and other
           A majestic tribute to the definition of   amenities, complimentary Wi-Fi, in room   delicacies to tempt and delight.
           colonial luxury with absolute water   safes, spacious work desks and either a
           frontage and stunning views over   veranda or private balcony       Renowned as one of the major conference
           Suva Harbour, the hotel offers 113                                  venues in the South Pacific, there is a
           guestrooms and suites.            Grand Pacific Hotel has become    choice of seven function rooms which
                                             renowned for its range of dining options.   can accommodate up to 600 people,
           A number of these are in the original   With six different venues to choose   and combines historic grandeur with
           heritage building which offer a wonderful   from, you can enjoy everything from a   exceptional service. Additional hotel
           glimpse into the hotel’s rich colonial   quick poolside snack to a magnificent à   facilities include a spa, gymnasium, lap
           history with wide verandas, a neo-  la carte banquet.               pool and business centre.

            Victoria Parade 584-618, Suva FIJI
            Tel: +679 3222000  Email: [email protected]

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