Page 82 - Pacific Paradises 2019
P. 82

— Micronesia —

           In Pohnpei try the local drink, sakau. In   harbour has a ship believed to be the Shoan   that line the wrecks. The diving is year-
           Chuuk sample Japanese and local cooking   Maru, a B-29 Bomber, a Japanese seaplane,   round with visibility on the wrecks varying
           while in Rota indulge in the best of the   sub chaser, landing craft and a Zero fighter.   from 15–30 metres, and average depths
           traditional Chamorro cooking. In the   An interesting snorkelling site is provided   between 12–40 metres.
           Marshall Islands, American, Western-style   by two American tanks in two-and-a-half   Pohnpei is a maze of coral passes or
           cooking and Chinese cuisine go hand in   metres of water off Saipan World Resort.   channels leading from the outside sea into
           hand with Marshallese specialties.
                                             The most adventurous site is the Grotto   the inner lagoon offering great diving and
           Activities                        which starts at the base of 200 stairs. After   superb coral formations, including deep
           Comprising approximately 2000 islands   submerging 18 metres down the cavern,   gorgonia fans that can grow up to six metres
           and atolls, Micronesia caters for all levels   you then swim through the tunnel to the   in height. The shallow water is also the
           of diving. Here’s a taste of what you can   outside wall of the island where visibility   place to see barracuda, mantas and several
           expect to find at the various destinations.   averages 30 metres.   varieties of curious reef sharks.
           Guam has an exceptional underwater   Palau is known as one of the seven   Yap is known as the island of manta
           world. The water is crystal clear, with 60   underwater wonders of the world, not   rays because you can see mantas here
           metres visibility commonplace, and you   surprising when you can stand atop a   consistently. A new find is the manta ray
           can expect to see coral gardens teeming                             cleaning station where the mantas queue
           with fish life, a unique blue hole and   reef edge in knee-deep water and see it   up to have parasites removed from them
           caverns. There are several wrecks of   drop away to 320 metres vertically. It   by small wrasses. These rays have a wing
                                             is believed that there are more than 50
           historical importance here including a   WWII shipwrecks sunk in the lagoon.   span of three to six metres and weigh in at
           Japanese Zero.                                                      approximately 460 kilograms.
                                             For a truly unique experience, how about
           Also, the remains of a Spanish galleon,   diving in a land locked lagoon with   Popular dives in Yap are Mill Channel,
           the world’s largest side paddle-wheeler,   100,000 non-stinging jellyfish! Dive sites   Manta Ray Pass and Goofnuw Channel.
           and a 230–metre passenger liner can   offer stalactite-filled caves, giant undersea   Mandarin fish are also becoming a
           be found layered on top of each other.   tunnels and gorgonia fans that stand up   diving attraction. When the sun goes
           You can also trace the remains of both   to three metres tall.      down, these colourful little fish come out
           world wars at the double wreck of the   Chuuk is renowned as having the best   and stare at you!
           Cormoran, a WWI German Gunboat,   shipwreck diving in the world because of
           and the Toka’s Maru, a Japanese freighter   what is today known as the Ghost Fleet of   Kosrae has consistently good diving
           from WWII.                                                          conditions due to the triangular shape of
                                             Truk Lagoon. It consists of 50–60 ships and   the island. The great attraction here is the
           Saipan is famed for its beaches and some of   Japanese planes that were sent to the bottom   clear, clean water and live coral that encircles
           the fiercest fighting between the Americans   after two days and a night of continuous   the island. August is usually the best month
           and the Japanese. As a result there are an   strafing and bombing. The water   when visibility is up to 65 metres. Kosrae
           estimated 18 sunken Japanese ships and   temperature has served as a great incubator   has a large population of turtles and during
           many others as yet undiscovered. The   and the ships are now excellent artificial   the mating season in December, their
           majority of the wreck diving here is in   reefs, home to a variety of spectacular   numbers escalate. Another great attraction
           Tanapag Harbour in depths of 12–18   marine life. Underwater photography is a   is provided by the 150 dolphins that reside
           metres with visibility up to 18 metres. The   must here with the prolific coral growths   outside the reef.

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