Exploring Rarotonga, Rarotonga

Rarotonga has a circumference of about 32km with a brilliant blue lagoon surrounding it from all sides. You will see colorful tropical fish beautifying this blanket of blue water and tall palms lining the pearl white sand of the island. The island also has a coral reef that has waves crashing against it inviting the fishermen to toss their lines.

A major part of the island is covered with beautiful palms and you will find a famous cross-island path which connects the south of the Rarotonga Island to Avatiu valley. It goes through the Te Rua Manga, a prominent rock shaped in the form of a needle. You can also hike to a flat-top mountain or the Raemaru. Other attractive stops could include Arai te Tonga and Wigmore Falls (Papua Falls).

Rarotonga has 3 harbors, namely Avarua, Avatiu and Avana. Out of these, the Avatiu harbor is the only one which has some commercial significance.


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