Shopping & Leisure in Solomon Islands, Solomon Islands

There are not many nightclubs in the country, although you will find a lot of happening places to party. Locals are a vibrant bunch and on most of the bigger islands, they will welcome you to join their parties and gatherings, where you can have local food and beverages and dance away the evening with the locals.

Solomon Islands is an ecotourism hotspot. It is not a typical tropical beach resort type of a destination. Because of this, there are not a lot of touristy markets and shopping areas in the country. The capital city of Honiara has a few shops and markets where you can shop for local goods.

Melanesian handicrafts are beautiful and you can buy them at many shops in the center of the capital city. A yuzu nguzu is a typically carved souvenir which many people take back home from the country. You can also pick up locally printed t-shirts, local music CDs, books on the local culture and history in the capital city, or send postcards with beautiful signs from all over the country to loved ones back home.

King Solomon’s Handicrafts and Melanesian Handicrafts are two really good shops in Honiara to get souvenirs.


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