Earth Hour, Every Month 2013. What is your city willing to do?

In January 2013, Conrad Macao made a Green Resolution to observe Earth Hour, EVERY MONTH. They then laid an I WILL IF YOU WILL CHALLENGE to 10 other hotels to do the same, and if they did, the Conrad would switch off it’s lights TWICE every month.

12 weeks later, 15 major hotels and integrated resorts from a number of global brands, representing almost 14,000 hotel rooms are participating – and leading the way, united. They aim to create an unavoidably visible reminder every month, that we must continue to do all we can to save the planet. As of April 2nd – more than 20 hotels and resorts in Macau alone have made the pledge to Earth Hour, EVERY MONTH – with more internationally.

If the casino strip of the world’s casino capital – worth 5 times that of Las Vegas can do it…will Las Vegas be daring enough to follow? Or indeed, could this movement – going beyond the hour, become a new norm for the hotel and big buildings in general?


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