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Travel stories, art of living, photo reports, and interviews: the most beautiful Paradises experiences told by our experts to help you escape and create your most beautiful dream of elsewhere.
August 19, 2019
Solomon Islands Diving
Boasting some of the best diving hot spots in the world, not only in terms of pristine reefs, but in...
June 30, 2019
Micronesia Diving
Pristine waters decorated by 2,000 small islands and coral-ringed atolls, Micronesia is the cookie-cutter example of a perfect diving environment....
June 19, 2019
The best diving spots in Fiji
Regarded by many as one of the best diving spots in the world, there's no denying the unprecedented underwater beauty...
June 16, 2019
The Best Places to Dive in the Cook Island
Love diving? Of course you do! That's why you're reading this blog. You want to find the best places to...
May 27, 2019
Welcome to The Paradise of The Cook Islands
A place where time stands still so you can enjoy an unparalleled experience. Formed of 15 islands and atolls scattered over...
April 6, 2019
Is the Maldives a family destination?
Famed for its crystalline waters and soft sandy shores, the Maldives is widely regarded as one of the top romantic...
November 9, 2018
Northern Mariana Island’s Cuisine
Being a part of the U.S, you can expect a wide range of American cuisine. So if you are a...
April 30, 2018
Palau’s geography, land & climate
PALAU'S GEOGRAPHY, LAND & CLIMATE An archipelago consisting of some 340 coral and volcanic islands, Palau, Micronesia, is located in...
March 28, 2018
Palau’s Extreme Adventures By Fish ‘N Fins
PALAU HELICOPTERS INC. Palau Helicopters Inc. Vast swathes of Palau are entirely untouched and uninhabited, and as such, the best...
March 28, 2018
Shark Week 2018 In Palau
SHARK WEEK 2018 IN PALAU Situated out in the Wester Pacific, in the westernmost corner of Micronesia, is Palau. This...
March 26, 2018
Palau’s Pledge To Protect The World’s Oceans
PALAU'S PLEDGE TO PROTECT THE WORLD'S OCEANS Across the world, oceans are threatened by over-fishing, pollution, global warming and acidification....
March 25, 2018
Welcome to Micronesia
WELCOME TO MICRONESIA Micronesia is in many respects a tropical paradise. A romantic, uspoiled destination for the world traveller, the...